
What Is to Be Done?

Muindi Fanuel Muindi’s Four Essays are his attempt to rethink the projects of abolition and decolonization with and through the philosophical cosmology developed in his fourth book, Other Related Matters.

The Four Essays develop the concepts of artful reparations, leaky designs, revaluations, and rewilding in order to deconstruct static representations of abolition and decolonization and to articulate the dynamic potentials that the projects of abolition and decolonization promote.

Deftly drawing upon the practices of psychoanalysis, schizoanalysis, and deconstruction, the Four Essays make a clear and powerful case for an untimely art of reparations that would radically transform customs and institutions.

The Four Essays have been included in Muindi’s fifth and most recent book, The War on Terra, and they are informing Muindi’s latest endeavor in activist-research-creation, the Urban Guerrilla Permaculture Campaign.